Entry® Solves the Problem
Traditional chloride ice-melt compounds often do not meet performance expectations and are detrimental to plants, watersheds and potentially lethal to pets and humans if ingested. Entry® was created in recognition of the need for a product that would be better in performance and lower in harmful impacts. It is a chloride-free product, designed to melt ice faster than its chloride competitors and prevent refreeze, therefore decreasing slip and fall risks while also eliminating tracking into buildings.
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Maximizing Capital At Your Golf Operation
Capital challenges torment virtually every golf operation as they must meet the high expectations of golfers and increasing revenue targets while relying on at or shrinking maintenance budgets. With the help of technology, there are new strategies for maximizing capital to service debt, acquire equipment, improve staff and refine their product in order to grab a bigger share of their market.
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Five Questions On taskTracker Labor Management Software With Mark Semm.
Mark Semm Director of Agronomy Cordillera Ranch Golf Club Responsible for a crew of 24 who keep the 18-hole private club playable year-round for approximately 450 golf-playing members. His operation began using taskTracker in January, 2017. As director of agronomy for Cordillera Ranch Golf Club in Boerne, Texas, Mark Semm […]
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Transitioning To New Solutions — How One SynaTek Customer Approaches It.
Since the so-called Great Recession in 2008, headlines proclaiming the demise of golf have dominated. But lately, it seems, there is brightening on the horizon. A legion of young guns are pumping excitement into the pro game, as is the latest return of Tiger Woods. And statistically speaking, the game is in as good a place as it has been in [...]
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SynaTek Solutions Announces Partnership with NFL’s Denver Broncos for use of Entry™ Biodegradable Deicing Solution
SynaTek Solutions has announced that the National Football League’s Denver Broncos Football Club has selected its Entry™ deicing and anti-icing fluid for use at the team’s headquarters at the UCHealth Training Center in Englewood, Colo.
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The Ask
Golf course maintenance continues to evolve, but we are committed to staying ahead of that change. Being solutions-driven is how we bring value to every relationship. We believe enduring value happens when our solutions grow our customers’ businesses and improve their operation. Learn how SynaTek Solutions can add value to your course.
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SynaTek Solutions: People Powered. Solutions Driven.
SynaTek Solutions has been providing nutrients and protectants for property management for generations. Now we service four industries, Golf, Landscape, Ice Melt and Agriculture. More than just a manufacturer and distributor, we are committed to bringing innovative solutions to all of our customers.
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Branch Creek: An Organic Approach To Property Management
There’s a movement toward safer, more affordable and more environmentally responsible products, and Branch Creek is leading the way. A division of SynaTek Solutions, Branch Creek researches and develops organic solutions for the soil across all of the industries we serve. Learn about Branch Creek’s evolution and get a glimpse of the future of growing – chemical free, affordable, and safe.
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SynaTek Joins Forces With GolfNow To Bring Added Savings To Their Customers
SynaTek's new partnership with GolfNow allows golf course operators to purchase products they already use at a discounted rate through a program called Ride. These purchases also allow course operators to earn points that they can than use to purchase SynaTek's innovative technologies. Learn how Ride can help you save valuable dollars.
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Synatek Partnership Points
Learn how Partnership Points can turn everyday purchases into lasting value.
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Entry Tracking Benefits
Learn more about Entry, the chloride-free ice melt that tracks like water.
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Entry® Ice Melt Wins ISSA Innovation Of the Year
ISSA – the International Sanitary Supply Association – is the leading trade association for the cleaning industry worldwide, with more than 9,300 distributor, manufacturer, manufacturer representative, building service contractor, in-house service provider, residential cleaning, and associated service members. Entry® chloride-free de-icer earned the 2019 ISSA Innovation of the Year award […]
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Melt With Less Mess
Entry® liquid ice melt from Branch Creek is the first product to win Green Seal’s coveted Certification of Environmental Innovation under the latest version of requirements, meeting a rigorous standard for transformative product innovation with a de-icer that is safer for people and the planet while performing more effectively than market competitors.
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Branch Creek’s Entry® Liquid Ice Melt Wins Green Seal® Certification for Innovation
Entry® liquid ice melt from Branch Creek is the first product to win Green Seal’s coveted Certification of Environmental Innovation under the latest version of requirements, meeting a rigorous standard for transformative product innovation with a de-icer that is safer for people and the planet while performing more effectively than market competitors.
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Branch Creek Partners With Rodale Institute
Organizations Collaborate to Advance Certified Organic Growing SOUDERTON, Pa., June 13, 2018 – Branch Creek CEO Nate Clemmer announces a professional partnership between Branch Creek and Rodale Institute, citing the organizations’ shared commitment to the advancement of scalable, regenerative certified organic farming. “Rodale Institute is an organic industry pioneer and […]
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Branch Creek Launches Safer Play Turf and Lawn Solutions to Help Homeowners and Lawn Care Professionals Control Weeds and Insects
SOUDERTON, Pa., June 4, 2018 – Branch Creek, a manufacturer of cleaner growing and surface maintenance solutions, announced the launch of its Safer Play line of turf and lawn products. Part of the Branch Creek Lawncare Program, Safer Play’s Weed Shield, Grub Shield and Lawn Food with Crabgrass Prevention help […]
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Branch Creek Launches With Cleaner, Safer Solutions for Lawns, Farms, and Outdoor Surfaces
SynaTek Solutions Forms New Company Focused on Cleaner Chemistry SOUDERTON, Pa., February 27, 2018 – SynaTek Solutions CEO Nate Clemmer announces the launch of Branch Creek, a manufacturer of cleaner, safer growing and surface maintenance solutions for residential, commercial, agricultural, golf course, and municipal use. Branch Creek products optimize outcomes […]
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SynaTek Solutions Announces Partnership with NFL’s Denver Broncos for use of Entry™ Biodegradable Deicing Solution
SOUDERTON, PA, February 15, 2018 – SynaTek Solutions has announced that the National Football League’s Denver Broncos Football Club has selected its Entry™ deicing and anti-icing fluid for use at the team’s headquarters at the UCHealth Training Center in Englewood, Colo. Entry provides users many advantages over the use of […]
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SynaTek Solutions Announces Partnership With Labor Management Software Maker, taskTracker.
SOUDERTON, PA — Leading turf products and technologies company SynaTek Solutions through its Ecotronics technology division has partnered with taskTracker to distribute their popular golf course labor management software. The Idaho-based software company launched in 2009, and today has an estimated 600 18-hole facilities using their platform which, essentially, replaces […]
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Entry® Ice Melt Featured in Green Seal® Impact Report
Green Seal® Impact Report Green Seal®, the nation’s premier ecolabelling organization, gives manufacturers the opportunity to pursue third-party certification through the program designed to advance product innovation for environmental good. In 2019, Entry® became the first Green Seal-certified ice melt on the market, and was featured in Green Seal’s 1989 – […]
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Turf Magazine Spotlights Branch Creek
This article originally appeared in Turf Magazine Landscape Trends: Introducing Regenerative Lawn Care BY: DANIELLE BURROWS What happens when property owners want fewer chemicals on their lawns or if an area enacts a ban on synthetic pesticides? As any turf professional can tell you, it’s complicated. Historically, there have been […]
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A Conversation with Branch Creek CEO and Founder Nate Clemmer
The Voices.Earth podcast highlights organizations and individuals who are making our planet a better place. Nate Clemmer was featured on episode 89.
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Branch Creek and the Future of Golf
This article originally appeared on GolfAdvisor.com Is There a Future for Golf in Cities? BY: JOHN THOMPSON As cities grow in size and expense, golf will need to adapt to remain a part of the urban environment. As more and more people move into urban areas around the world, land […]
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SynaTek Sources EPA-Approved Golf Cart Disinfectant
This story originally appeared on GOLFNOW.com A disinfectant solution for golf carts If your course is currently – or soon to be – open for business during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s highly likely the safety of your staff and customers is paramount among your daily considerations. If you’re a conscientious […]
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Entry® Ice Melt Featured in The Intelligencer
This story originally appeared in The Intelligencer Bucks towns see 10% road salt increase BY CHRIS ULLERY Many Bucks County towns and authorities avoided steeper salt prices last year, but the more than 50 member communities of the Bucks County Consortium that go with a Morton’s Salt bid of $ […]
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Entry® Ice Melt Applauded by BASF
As wintertime rolls around, most focus on deicing streets and driveways of their properties outside—and less on chloride-salt tracking that follows pedestrians inside the buildings. This outdoor deicing is what some would call the first line of defense.
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Is Ice Melt Damaging Your Floors? CEO and Founder Nate Clemmer Discusses.
This story originally appeared on BUILDINGS.com Choosing the Right Deicer for Your Indoor Carpeting? Chloride-based deicers and anti-icers pose a threat to the environment, to pets and to humans, but you may be wondering why that matters when children and pets don’t typically walk or play on building walkways and […]
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CEO and Founder Nate Clemmer Talks Sustainable Snow Removal
This story originally appeared on facilitiesnet Hold the Salt? Sustainable Snow Removal Strategies Heat Up BY: KAREN KROLL Alternative approaches make it possible to minimize damage to facilities, bodies of water, and plant life while ensuring safety. As another winter approaches, snow and ice removal likely will be top of […]
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Philadelphia Business Journal Spotlights Branch Creek
This article originally appeared in the Philadelphia Business Journal Montco company pushing organic alternatives for tackling weeds, grubs – and ice. BY: JOHN GEORGE Nate Clemmer was in the backyard of his new house five years ago when he came to a realization. “The house is adjacent to a creek,” he said. […]
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